Curriculum Vitae

Last updated: 17 Oct 2007

Personal data

Adriaan Johannes te Marvelde,
Born on the 4th of December 1961, in Hilversum the Netherlands
After 23 years of wandering around, my current residence is Hilversum again.
For the moment my personal situation ties me to the region.

My working ambition is to be a technical leader, not in the sense of line or project management, but more as a subject matter expert. I don't intend to let the subject be singular, since my interest lies on many areas. Currently my experience is mainly in telecom, electronics and industrial automation, but I wouldn't at all mind to develop more in (for example) optical, optronical or even mechanical directions.

Summary of experience

Thales Communications BV, Huizen (1/11/2002 – today)

  • System architecture of the Communication and Information Module, a Thales Soldier system
  • System documentation of the Smartnet Switched ethernet, IP-Routing and TAD-VHF capabilities.
  • Tacoms post 2000 (NATO standardisation), IP-Routing work package owner.
  • System documentation of the Smartnet video interface.

Ericsson EuroLab Netherlands BV, Enschede (1/6/1996 – 31/10/2002)

  • Software Defined Radio technology development: realtime middleware platform / DSP-farm, for use in UMTS or GSM basestations.
  • WWW content adaptation for mobile internet applications.
  • System design of a DECT-data netwerk, overlay for a Wireless Local Loop system.
  • Investigation of various DECT-data profiles, Ericsson representative in the ETSI DECT/D standardisation committee.
  • Systeem design of a POSIX-compliant RTOS and middleware platform for a DECT CTM system.

Group 2000 Nederland BV, Almelo (1/6/1990 – 31/5/1996)

  • Investigation of Intelligent Networking technology, to support the development of Intelligent Peripherals featuring voice supported telecom services.
  • Project co-ordination and design of various Voice-Response applications for Swiss Telecom (Voicemail, Telecard, Auskunft).
  • System design of a Voice Response system, design and co-ordination of the Memory Subsystem development.
  • various turnkey projects for Belgacom, PTT Nederland (i.e. KPN).

Alcatel Bell, Antwerpen (1/5/1989 – 31/5/1990)

  • Design and implementation of a RTOS and various applications, for a Switching Element of a 600Mbit/s broadband ATM switch.

University of Twente, Enschede (1/9/1988 – 31/1/1989)

  • Development of a CAD program, for designing micro-optic circuits.


  • Applied Physics, University of Twente, Netherlands


  • English: excellent
  • German: good
  • French: basic

Assorted keywords

GPS, Wireless, Security, System architecture, Realtime Middleware, RTOS design, Software/Hardware development, Telecom applications, Networking, Project coordination, Rugged design
Ward & Mellor, UML, SDL
POSIX, Solaris, Linux, Win32, RTOS
C, Pascal, Fortran, Basic, various Assembly
68k, x86, 56k, TMS320, TigerSHARC, ARC, PPC

Detailed description of experience

Thales Land & Joint Systems Netherlands, Huizen (1/11/2002 – present)

Function:Senior System Engineer
General:Thales L&JS Netherlands, is the local representation of the business unit Land & Joint Systems. The company is supplier of high quality integrated communications systems for armed forces and commercial organisations. Since January 2007 Thales Optronics has become part of the local organisation.
Thales L&JS is well equipped to develop, produce and maintain innovative communication products over complete lifecycles. The company has achieved CMMI level 2, and is currently improving its processes to move on to level 3.

Soldier Systems (2004-present)
Thales L&JS NL has taken a lead position in the world of Dismounted Soldier Systems. Such systems are body-worn communication and computing systems, supplying the user with greatly enhanced situation awareness and command & control capabilities. Such systems basically consist of a computer, a short/medium range radio, a GPS receiver and an MMI, and can be extended with various peripherals, Obviously the systems are designed for the harhest environments, high availability and low power consumption.
The CIM prototypes project has been completed, including user trials. For this project, the follow on developments and also several international projects my function has been System Architect.

Sotas-IP (2003 – 2004)
Generation of the System documentation for the Smartnet capabilities: Switched Ethernet, IP-Routing and Transmission Adaptation layer for VHF radio. These capabilities allow configuration of Smartnet systems featuring VLANs, multiple IP subnets and Radio networks.

Tacoms post 2000, IP routing (2003)
Through the year 2003 I have been responsible for the Tacoms post 2000 workpackage on IP-routing. This workpackage has resulted in a draft Stanag, specifying the routing protocols to be used to interconnect the tactical networks of different nations.

Smartnet Video Capability (2002)
Generation of the System Specification and Design documentation for the Smartnet Video capability. This capability enables Smartnet systems to interface with video equipment, and deliver the video data stream.

Ericsson EuroLab Netherlands BV, Enschede (1/6/1996 – 31/10/2002)

Function:Senior System Engineer
General:ELN started as a company mainly building DECT systems, for public, business en home markets. Ericsson has been the initiator of the standardisation of DECT within ETSI. When I left ELN, it was one of the major design centers for UMTS basestation hard- and software. Additionally ELN took part in the UMTS system design. My department, "Wideband Multimedia Research", aims at the development of new technologies for implementation of UMTS basestations and data-networks in general. ELN works with well-defined processes, at CMM level 2.
Projects:Software Defined Baseband. (2000 – 2002)
Development of technology enabling ‘waveform processing’ in software, instead of the traditional processing in ASICs. Purpose is to obtain a more flexible radio, which will be cheaper and more versatile. After two years of experimentation, the point has been reached to build a prototype module that fits in a production UMTS basestation. In this project I was specialist of realtime operating environments (i.e. the middleware and operating systems) but since it was a prototyping effort also did some programming.

WWW content adaptation for mobile applications. (2000)
Mobile terminals, such as intelligent phones and PDAs with wireless modem, usually have only limited processing resources. Additionally, compared to fixed networks the wireless connection is slow and expensive. This makes it advantageous to filter WWW content, or to convert it, before sending it over the wireless link (see e.g. WAP/WML). This project investigates various techniques to achieve this. My main task was to evaluate the application of XML to this extent.

Skipper. (1999)
Target of this project was to build a DECT A/B.2-profile overlay data netwerk, combining high-speed internet with low deployment cost. The project finally was cancelled due to upcoming technologies enabling high-speed internet on a normal telephone line (xDSL) or on broadcast cable systems.
My role within this project was that of system designer and standards specialist.

DECT-Data, ETSI standardisation committee. (1997 – 1999)
I have done this standardisation work as a part-time job in parallel with some other projects. The last year I was secretary of the committee as well as the editor of the Dect Packet Radio Service (DPRS) standard.

Basic Platform System. (1996 – 1997)
This platform is composed of the RTOS and middleware running in the Control Unit (Fixed Part) of some DECT systems. The realtime kernel has an API, compliant with the POSIX profile for realtime embedded systems. Additionally the platform comprises a service library supporting various DECT applications. My role in this project was in the system design of this platform, and the implementation of some parts.

Group 2000 Nederland BV, Almelo (1/6/1989 – 31/5/1996)

Function:Project Engineer
General:Group 2000 serves niches in the telecom market, especially associated with the large operators in Europe. The main Group 2000 product is the Multivox Response system. This is a generic Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, that can be used for various speech supported telephony applications. The IVR system consists of a 'Voice Server', which can be seen as a resource box (network interfaces, storage an drecognition of speech, MFC/DTMF decoders, etc.), and an external 'Application Server', which utilises these resources to instantiate the applications.
Both hard- and software of the Voice Server are proprietary Group2000 developments. The Application Server is a UNIX/Solaris workstation, that enables creation of applications by means of graphic and 4GL tools. A typical deployment consists of a cluster of Application- and Voice Servers.
Within the development department, a structured development procedure is used. This method consists of a number of well defined phases, each of which is closed with a review process. I have been involved in the development of this procedure

Intelligent Peripheral. (1996)
Telecom operators were grdually deploying Intelligent Networks, and following this trend, the IVR system had to grow towards an 'Intelligent Peripheral'. My task was to investigate IN technology, in order to guide this transformation of the IVR system.

IVR connectivity.(1995)
The IVR system has to function in environments with many different network types. To support this, I have designed and partially implemented a multi-threaded software library, enabling voice applications to connect with external hosts through various network environments.

Swiss Telecom. (1994 – 1995)
Swisscom operates a special services exchange in Luzern, where a large cluster of Group2000 IVR systems is deployed.
I have been involved in coordination, design and partially implementation of three projects: the Voice-mail service, the Swisscom Telecard service, and the demonstration of an automated information service.

Voice Server architecture. (1992 – 1994)
I was involved in system architecture/design of the Voice Server. Subsequently I have coordinated the development of the storage system and also took part in the implementation. As a general task I have been responsible for the XINU-based RTOS used throughout the system, and the system middleware.

Belgacom and KPN. (1990 – 1992)
In the first two years at Group2000 I have been involved in various turnkey projects for Belgian and Dutch PTTs (nowadays Belgacom and KPN).

Alcatel Bell, Antwerpen (1/5/1989 – 1/6/1990)

Function:Advanced Systems Engineer
General:The research department of Alcatel Bell was mainly involved in development of new switching concepts and the realisation of prototypes. A prototype of a 600 Mbit/s ATM switch was designed and implemented for switching broadband ISDN services. Goal was to demonstrate this technology on Telecom ‘91 in Geneva.
Within the research group a small team was responsible for the firmware of the Switching Elements. These 16x16 600Mbit/s ATM cell-switch PCBs formed the building blocks of an exchange.
Projects:I imlemented the RTOS to run on the TMS320 DSP, which was used as a controller. Additionally I implemented a number of applications, for example supporting the Connection Control Protocol.

Technische Universiteit Twente (1/9/1988 – 31/1/1989)

Function:Research Assistant
General:Within the group "Tranductie techniek en Materiaaleigenschappen" research is carried out in the area of micro-optic devices for sensor-applications. Tools for simulation and design of devices, as well as processing of measurements, are developed in-house.
Projects:As a post-graduate, I have developed CAD software for the design of photo-lithographic masks, used with the realisation of micro-optic structures.
Secondly, I have developed a tool for digitization of printed curves, and subsequent mathematical processing of the data.


Technische Universiteit Twente (1/9/1980 – 1/9/1988)

Faculty:Applied Physics
Graduation:"Transductietechniek en Materiaaleigenschappen".
Design and realisation of a coupling between fiber and planar optical waveguide, for optical waveguide sensors. The graduation work comprised PC simulation, study of literature, development of the technology to make two different types of coupling.
Undergraduate:"Meet en Systeem techniek".
Development of an automated calibration system for paired resistor temperature sensors. This undergraduate work comprised design and realisation of measuring amplifier, the building of the calibration system, and development of control software in Pascal.
Externship:Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, Berkeley, Gloucestershire
"Design and implementation of a monitor system for fretting wear experiments."
"Design and implementation of a logarithmic resistance meter, for monitoring the contact resistance in fretting wear experiments."
Both projects comprised development of electronic cicuits, and measurement software (in C64 BASIC).


Thales: Various internal courses
Ericsson: "Wideband CDMA" (2001)
Ericsson: "ClearCase, ELN customization" (2001)
OA: "Distributed Object Computing, UML" (1999)
VU: "Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent systems" (1999)
Ten Hagen/Stam:"Systeem ontwikkeling met component technologie" (1998)
Motorola: "MPC860" (1997)
IBM: "SA/SD" (1997)
Ericsson: Diverse interne cursussen over bedrijfsprocessen. (1996 – 1998)
Ericsson: "Moderator, review process" (1996)
Vermeer: "Communicatieve vaardigheden, basis" (1996)
QA systems: "Safer C" (1996)
Twijstra/Gudde:"Projectmatig werken" (1996)
SUN: "Multithreading" (1995)
Four Seasons: "SuperNOVA Relational Database design" (1994)
PATO: "Software Engineering" (1994)
Voicetek: "Technical Training" (1993)
Krauthammer: "Customer Relations" (1992)
Motorola: "DSP 56000" (1991)
Univ. v. Gent: "Realtime OS" (1989)

Other interests

  • Amateur telescope making
  • Science and technology in general
  • Ham-radio
  • Sailing
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